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Розробка сайту візитки приватному майстру з нарощування нігтів, вій та перманентного татуажу Київ Україна.

A business card website for a private specialist in nail extensions, eyelash extensions, and permanent makeup in Kyiv. On the website, you can find detailed information about each service, view photos of completed works, and leave a comment about the master’s work. Classic design, user-friendly navigation, and clear presentation of information make the website simple, unobtrusive, and allow users to quickly find the information they need.

Services: creation of a website with a custom design, article content writing, photo editing, internal SEO optimization, domain name and hosting purchase, website deployment on the Internet, Google Ads contextual advertising.

Languages: Russian

Date: 2014

Створення сайту Tattoo&Nails
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